Is This Simple “Red Light” Invention The Natural Pain-Remedy Seniors Have Been Searching For?

Special Editorial by Grace Miller
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Heartwarming story of how a 73 year old teacher used this simple invention to save herself from a life of pain and stiffness. Read her story below.

“Mrs. Grace, why aren’t you getting up??” 

I blinked away the tears as I tried to push myself up off the floor, but my body refused. 

The stabbing pain in my hips was just too much.

The school nurse Mrs. Patterson rushed in, trying to reassure and comfort me…

But the humiliation and pain made it impossible to focus on her words.

It finally took three staff members to help lift me up…

I just hoped that this time, the pain medicine would start working fast (but it never does).

I’ve been an elementary school teacher for over 50 years, and it’s where

I’ve found purpose, joy, and a sense of belonging.I used to run and dance around the room, engaging with every one of my students…

They’d even beg me to supervise them during recess, and I’d even give them a few minutes extra…

It almost feels like that was from another life.

Now, almost every day, I'm held captive by agonizing joint pain, making even the smallest tasks feel impossible.

Even the short walk from the parking lot to the classroom feels like a marathon.

But the worst part…?

It’s slowly taken away the one thing in life I truly love: being a teacher.

See, I first started noticing pain and stiffness in my hips around the age of 51, about 20 years ago.

At first I ignored the pain… 

But it gradually got worse to the point where I could not sleep at night…

And that’s when I was introduced to NSAID’s and steroid injections...

Which only felt like a band-aid over a problem that wasn’t getting any better. 

In fact, the stabbing pain in my hip became so intense that even normal daily activities, like walking around the classroom, felt like a soul-crushing task if I didn’t take a handful of painkillers first.

These days, I mostly stay seated in class, calling students to my desk when they need help…

And when I try to write on the board, my creaky fingers frequently refuse to cooperate.

Soon, nothing I tried was helping me anymore…

So, I went back to my doctor for answers.

He did a few tests… and what he told me next made my heart sink.

"Grace, these painkillers? They're making your arthritis even worse and wreaking havoc inside you," he warned.

“I’m sorry, but I have to take you off them.”

Without this medication, I'd be drowning in pain, likely giving up teaching and confined to my bed. I kept asking myself, "How did this happen? Everything was fine just a while back. Why did things spiral so quickly?"

If you're reading this, feeling trapped by chronic joint pain or inflammation...

Or if your once-loved activities are now just memories because of joint pain, then listen up.

I'm about to share the game-changing pain relief secret that transformed my life.

And the best part?

It starts working in just days, right from the comfort of your home.

Trust me... I didn’t think it was possible, either.

Now, I’ll admit… I’ve made some big, expensive mistakes on my path to a pain-free life. 

That’s exactly why I’m sharing this with you now…

I want everyone reading this to avoid the suffering I had to put up with... the time wasted on “too good to be true” remedies and expensive treatments... and money-hungry doctors that don’t really care about treating you…

Listen— I’ve tried anything and everything to eliminate my chronic joint pain and aches, including…

1. Taking a variety of different over-the-counter and prescription pain medications, on the daily (but it turns out they were just destroying my insides!)
2. Doing physiotherapy 2-3 times a week
3. Trying natural supplements like turmeric and black pepper extract (which drained my bank account and didn’t help at all…)
4. Following every piece of “advice” my doctor gave me

But nothing really seemed to work…

And it eventually got to the point where I was unable to do what I loved.

My hips locked up, leaving me unable to rise from bed.

I found myself in a really dark place… and even though I was only 73, I felt like I had no reason to keep going.

It was the lowest I had ever felt in my entire life… and I was at the point of giving up on everything - my students, my family, myself…

But by the grace of God, my life turned around not too long after… and I owe it all to my dear husband Pat.

See, while I was feeling completely hopeless and ready to give up… my husband was burning the midnight oil trying to find a way to help me…

He couldn’t stand seeing me like this so he spent hours scavenging the internet and speaking to experts…

At first, all he could find was everything we’ve already tried… toxic pills, shots, ridiculous diets, and financially crippling medical procedures...

But then one day, he came across a company called “NunaWave” who claims to have blown open the lid on the real, root cause of all chronic joint pain and stiffness…

And they’ve invented a breakthrough red light therapy product that could give long, lasting relief for joint pain, stiffness and inflammation.

They say that it’s all made possible by their breakthrough mechanism called “mitochondria activation”.

The bizarre therapy pad that “banished” my joint pain & stiffness

At first, I was very skeptical because their invention just seemed like another red light pad to me…

And how could red light therapy possibly have anything to do with relieving pain and stiffness?

But dear was I wrong! This was no ordinary pad…

It’s a lightweight red light therapy pad with an adjustable velcro strap so you can place it wherever you need relief.

Once on, the red lights send the exact light wavelengths which penetrate deep into the skin, sending healing energy to injured cells…

And as I later found out, this is the secret behind the “mitochondria activation” mechanism.

As you can probably guess from my story, I had nothing to lose at this point… I was ready, willing, and able to try anything to finally get a bit of relief…

And if you’re currently going through any type of chronic joint pain, ache, or inflammation, then you know exactly what I’m talking about…

I was willing to try anything if it meant going back to a normal life… 

I wanted to be able to go for walks with my husband outside of my house again… 

I wanted to sleep the whole night through, and to wake up with more energy…

And most importantly - I wanted to go back to doing what I loved most, teaching.

So, I decided to give this a shot, and I ordered a NunaWave red light therapy healing pad directly from their website.

Trying on the red light therapy pad (Oh my, what a surprise)

I carefully opened the package and followed the simple 3-step setup:

1. I placed the pad on the area I want to treat (in this case, around my hips)

2. Adjust with the velcro strap

3. Start therapy (it automatically shuts off after 20 minutes)

What happened next stunned me.

The first thing I noticed - within just a couple minutes - was this unusual tingling sensation.

It felt like a wave of energy was dissolving the pain and stiffness in my hips!

And that was just from wearing the belt for 10 minutes... by the 4th day, I could stand up and only feel a “slight” pain in my hips (which was a HUGE improvement compared to before).

And within 7 days the swelling and "frozen" feeling in my hips complete receded! 

That was the first night in decades that I was able to sleep the whole way through…

Without any tossing and turning from my hips feeling like they are on fire.

And when I woke up, I felt more energetic than ever! 

Over the next few weeks the pain in my hips was really improving…

And then, came the big test - could I go back to teaching?

I called up the principal, and he let me try out a class the next day…

Sure enough… as soon as I walked in the room, my students erupted in cheers and joy!

I was crying from happiness…

Not just because I was seeing my precious students again…

But also because I was able to go an entire class with almost no pain whatsoever!

It really felt like this red light pad had penetrated deep in my tissue and “melted” my pain away! 

In fact, I thought it was too good to be true - that it had to be some sort of coincidence…

But when I stopped using the pad daily, the pain came back in full force! 

And when I started back up, I noticed relief again.

Some days, I look back and can’t believe how long I let my condition take control of my life.

And if you’re feeling the same, I completely understand what you’re going through.

Look - when you’re feeling those stabbing, burning pains, it can be really hard to believe that there’s anything out there that can actually help…

Especially when you’ve already tried so many solutions that don’t live up to their reputation.

But I promise you…

If this red light pad can give me my life back, along with my freedom…

I know it can do the same for you.

I owe my new life to this red light therapy pad!

What makes the NunaWave Red Light Belt so effective?

Here’s what Dr. Ava Dermore, the lead expert at NunaWave had to say:

“See, there’s really ONE root cause for body pain, joint pain, aches and stiffness”

“It comes down to injured cells and tissue”

“This can be from years of wear and tear on your body, or chronic conditions like arthritis...”

“But either way, the issue here is that these injured cells cannot repair or heal themselves because the mitochondria, the “power center” of the cell, is damaged”

“That’s what leads to all the pain and stiffness”

“We discovered that red light that penetrates 2 inches below the skin can actually reset and activate the healing process of these cells…

“Red light has been clinically proven in over 3,000 studies to send healing energy to injured cells…”

“This healing energy re-activates the mitochondria of these injured cells, allowing them to repair and even duplicate more healthy cells”

“And not only does it heal these injured cells which eliminates your pain, but this healing light also reaches your tissues, muscles, tendons and even bones…”

“Which promotes healthy blood flow and accelerates the healing process.”

“Simply wear it around the area affected…”

“Turn it on…”

“The pad will automatically run a single healing cycle, which lasts 20 minutes…”

“Repeat that process once a day…”

“And over 97% of users will have most or all of their pain melted away within the first month”.

Where can I buy this NunaWave Red Light Belt?

If you want to finally feel soothing, natural pain relief without having to rely on pain meds or shots… then I have some great news!

Because the NunaWave team was so moved by my story that they offered to give an unheard of [PERCENT]% discount to my readers.

Normally, this pad would cost $[ORIGINAL AMOUNT], but if you are reading this right now, you are one of the lucky few who can take advantage of this exclusive promotion and get it for as low as $[DISCOUNT PRICE]!

That’s less than a small cup of coffee each day…

Compared to the cost of popular pain remedies that greedy pharma corporations have people hooked on… it’s a no brainer!

According to the Rheumatoid Arthritis Support Network, 1 year’s worth of arthritis meds costs over $10,000! 

But for less than [CENTS] cents a day, you could get real, natural, and safe pain relief with this red light therapy pad, right from your own home.

Plus, NunaWave is so confident that their red light therapy is the solution you’ve been searching for that they offer a [DAY] day money back guarantee on all orders!

So if for any reason you don’t like it, or it doesn’t work for you, you can send it back for a full refund.

NunaWave is NOT available in stores and can ONLY be purchased directly from their website.

However, there is some bad news…

Since thousands of people read my blog every day, there is a chance these healing pads will sell out fast…

And once this current stock runs out, I’m not sure how long it’ll take to restock.

So please keep in mind that if you leave this page without securing your offer then it might be a few months before you get another chance to grab your own NunaWave Red Light Belt (and at that point they may cost up to twice as much!)

NunaWave is on a mission to provide real relief at a fraction of the cost

I’ve been in your shoes and I know how difficult it is…

And look - this is not an “instant” pain reliever - in fact, nothing in life is.

The effects will be subtle at first… but usually within the first month, you’ll get to experience the unbelievable luxury of waking up without major aches and pains.

This healing pad restored my quality of life back… and I truly believe it can do the same to you.

Just click the button below to get [PERCENT DISCOUNT]% OFF your order of NunaWave Red Light Belt!

What are others saying about NunaWave?